Welcome to Love Vegan by Jennifer

Welcome to Love Vegan. I’m Jen and I’m here to help and inspire others to adopt a healthier life.


A few years ago I decided to adopt a fully Vegan diet having been vegetarian for a number of years.

There are many different reasons for this which range from environmental impact, health choices and of course the main one for me which was animal welfare.

My choice was based on a belief that I could make a difference, even if a small one, to help reduce the animal suffering that takes place in today’s society.

However adopting a Vegan diet can be tough and I found it increasingly difficult to have a snack that really delivered on taste.

I have always liked home baking with my three children and between us we started to experiment with different recipes to try to make a healthy snacking product that was Vegan but most importantly delivered on it’s taste. I craved something a little bit more indulgent than what I could find to buy in the shops. I am pleased to say that we have achieved our goals and now have some healthy snacking bars that taste great and are 100% Vegan.

The next challenge I encountered was shopping.

I found when I became Vegan it took me a lot longer to do the weekly shop as nothing shouted out “I’m Vegan”. We therefore wanted our brand to have a very clear positioning and tell shoppers and consumers exactly what it was immediately.


Healthy Body - Healthy Mind

We want our brand to promote healthy eating and healthy living.

We want our brand to promote healthy eating and healthy living.


For me health comes from the inside out and goes way beyond the food we put into our bodies.

I am a Yoga, Reiki and Meditation teacher and I help people to find stillness, to allow their busy minds to rest a little so they can really become happier and healthier from the inside. Meditation and yoga are both simple and powerful practices, and if practiced on a regular basis it changes your life for the better, allowing you to find true happiness, which is what we are all searching for.

My wish is to create a brand that promotes healthy eating but also educates and promotes ways to live a healthy lifestyle too, I hope to incorporate everything I have learnt relating to living a happy and healthy life into the brand Love Vegan by Jennifer so I can share all of my findings and teachings. I will provide lots of interesting and powerful blogs and videos so that anyone interested in learning more about my teachings can have a go and join me, be it a meditation practice, a yoga class or just taking five minutes to read a blog on something really positive and beneficial like breath-work, self-care or the benefits of everything that I practice and teach.



Find your stillness


I will be posting more articles in the future on how meditation and yoga can help you, including top tips for complete beginners to how to deepen your practice for those of you who already have a dedicated practice. Please follow our Instagram page for some healthy body and mind inspiration.