Summer Stress Busters

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…With summer on the way, kids off school or back from uni. Cramming everything into work before your holiday. The to-do lists mount up, it’s time to de-stress so you can face the day with calm.

Here’s a really simple meditation technique, have a go for yourself and count down the stress

When you feel stress bubbling up take a moment to notice your surroundings. Take a deep breath and then notice the following;

5 things you can see (your hands, the sky, your work colleague, picture on the wall)

4 things you can feel (someones hand, the ground beneath you, an object close by)

3 things you can hear (your breathing, people talking, birds, cars)

2 things you can smell (coffee, fresh air, clean clothes)

1 things you can taste (fresh air, a sweet or mint, sip of water)

I really hope this naming countdown can bring your some calm when you most need it.

Have a fab summer

Big Love, Jen x