The Best Apple and Blackberry Crumble

Course: Dessert Servings: 6

Prep time: 20 min Cook time: 20 - 30 min

Difficulty level: Easy


Gluten free (can easily be adapted for GF)


Author: Jennifer Sargison

You can’t beat a homemade apple and blackberry crumble for that total comfort food craving. This crumble has been made with hand picked apples and blackberries so, it’s a really organic and cheap dish to make. My neighbour very kindly lets me use the apples from his tree and I collect blackberries that are growing freely when I go walking in the woods so, next time you go on a nature walk take a look around and see if there’s any produce growing wild for you to use.

I’ve added some of our Love Vegan bars to the crumble to make it super tasty and healthier too.

I’ve tried to add as little sugar as possible making it a healthier dessert but still super tasty. It isn’t overly sweet but it will definitely hit that sweet spot when you’re looking for a sweet and comforting autumnal fix.

I really hope you enjoy it, big love Jen x

For the filling:
4 medium apples, cored and chopped into chunks (480g of apple cubes)
150g blackberries
2 tablespoon maple syrup or brown sugar

For the crumble topping:

2 caramel and peanut love vegan bars (details on how to buy below)
250g spelt or buckwheat flour - use G/F if needed or plain flour if you don’t have spelt or buckwheat
150g vegan margarine
50g brown sugar

Begin by preparing the apple and blackberry filling

  • Simply peel and chop apples into chunks and add to a medium sized pan.

  • Add the maple syrup or sugar and gently simmer for 5 minutes

  • Add a the blackberries and give a little mix, not too much as the blackberries will go too mushy.

  • If you find you have lots of excess liquid remove some so the crumble doesn’t go soggy, a little liquid is okay.

Make the crumble

  • Blitz the love vegan bars in a food processor until it resembles crumbs

  • Place the crumbed love vegan bars and the rest of the crumble mixture into a large bowl and rub together with your finger tips until it resembles bread crumbs.

  • Add the filling to a ovenproof bowl and press it down to prevent any large gaps that the crumble could fall through.

  • Sprinkle the crumble onto of the apple and blackberry filling

  • Bake for 20 - 30 minutes but check after 20 to make sure the top doesn’t burn.

  • Allow to cool for 5 minutes before serving

Serve with custard, cream, ice-cream or enjoy on its own.

Get your Love Vegan fix here

Caramel & Peanut

Click on the button below to get your Love Vegan bars

If you do make this then I hope you love it

Any thoughts or comments?

Please leave your message below and I’ll get back to you

Big love, Jen x

*For those of you eating a gluten free diet because of a gluten intolerance/allergy to gluten or suffering from celiac disease please check the ingredients listed in my recipes carefully. Although many of my recipes are gluten free please make sure you double check your ingredients to check. I am not intolerant to gluten so am no expert but I still like to provide GF options, please fully read your packets at home before making this, thank you :)