Valentines Special - Finding self love

The most important love we can search for is a deep love and connection with ourselves. A fantastic way to find this is through meditation, reflection, positive affirmations and wait for it…CHOCOLATE!

We’ve been told for centuries that the way to find love is through chocolate, we all think of this as an old wives tale however did you know that eating the right kind of chocolate can actually help you find love with the most important person of all…YOU!

Read on for a mind blowing spiritual journey that chocolate can take you on.

Have you ever thought that you may be addicted to chocolate?

I was a self-confessed chocoholic before I decided to switch to a plant based diet. I had a chocolate bar most days and often found myself craving chocolate if I didn’t get my fix.

It was only after becoming 100% vegan that I realised I was addicted to sugar, not chocolate. Once I ditched the sugar and processed foods my sugar craving disappeared as did my cravings for chocolate.

That being said there’s nothing wrong with eating chocolate, just make sure your choosing the right kind of chocolate, and to be more specific the kind of cacao that your eating.

I’m talking about a 'ceremonial’ grade cacao. This kind of cacao has been used for centuries for it’s meditation properties, an aid to still the mind. It’s actually a bonus that it also tastes amazing. When you choose to mindfully to eat this grade of cacao you can connect more deeply to your inner self and you are able to really feel a connection to your heart centre. Self love is the most important kind of love. Once you truly love yourself you are fully able to spread and share your love with others.

Other health benefits of eating this grade of cacao is said to include

  • Increased blood flow

  • Balances cholesterol

  • Enhances your mood

  • Suppresses your appetite

  • It’s also packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Who thought that chocolate could be so beneficial to your health?

…and more importantly how amazing to know that consuming the correct cacao can allow you to really fall in love with you…becoming more mindful, happy and full of positive vibes for yourself.

Why not have a go at making your own chocolate?

Chocolate recipe to help you fall in love with yourself

1 cup cashew milk- shop bought or homemade (or any other nut milk NOT dairy milk-it inhabits the intake of active compounds)

20g Ceremonial grade cacao

1 - 2 Teaspoons of xylitol (sweetener)

1 Teaspoon maca

1 Teaspoon lucuma

Few drops vanilla extract


Put all of the ingredients into a high speed blender until a smooth drink is formed.

The heat of the blender will heat the cacao, if you don’t have a high speed blender then warm the cacao to 45oC (warm and not cooked)

Store in the fridge for up to 3 days.

If you’d like more information on meditation, mindfulness and yoga then please check out my blogs under the heading Healthy body, Healthy Mind

Wishing you all the best valentines day and I hope you can find some ‘me time’ to dedicate just for you.

Big Love

Jen x