Simple and delicious vegan recipes for children

It’s never too early to get children helping out in the kitchen, and even though it requires extra time and cleaning up, especially with younger children, the benefits are totally worth it.

I work in Early Years and the children at nursery love our Friday cooking club! Cooking and baking supports children's communication, language and literacy development and children can also enhance their maths, science, physical development, creative arts and design and social skills all through the art of cooking…and it’s also super fun!

We make gluten free, plant based foods every week, to ensure that all of the children can enjoy everything we make.

Please find below some of our favourite recipe cards that we go back to over and over gain. They are all simple and delicious and I’m sure your children, or the children in your setting will love to make them!

I hope you enjoy spending time making something delicious in the kitchen with your children!

Big love,

Jen x